Friday, February 20, 2009

is this thing on?

does anyone ever check this anymore? i just logged on to see if there was any new news and saw that no one has posted since 2007! Anyway, if you're still out there, let me know.

Mikey Horton

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Autumn Gautumn!
Congratz little lady. The new jorb sounds awesome. Greg just joined our "team" here at Habitard and we were happy to see you've found a new job too. Make sure you keep us all updated!

Update us on this Joe dude. ;P

Friday, August 17, 2007

I kill my dinner with karate

Looks like a gruelling 4 interview process was worth it! I've just completed my first week here at RTKL. First let me comment, I've just gone through 3 days of training in Revit, and let me tell you, it's amazing. So much easier to construct drawings with, both 2D and 3D, because as you draw it creates the 3D model! Currently I will be working on some stellar projects, including a couple cancer hospitals. This isn't your momma's healthcare! Here's some RTKL stock images:

Also, the corporate design division will be picking up steam and will need help as that comes along. So I will also be working on projects such as:

I'm also excited that a majority of our projects, including the new office we're moving into next week, are aiming for LEED certification :} And as they pay for a couple memberships to groups, expect some USGBC related posts!

Oh, and I'm still with Joe in our downtown apartment :}

Hope you all are faring well.

All images (c)2007

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Puppy poop

Deep thoughts by Hingus the dog...
"People must be really lame if Cassie has posted twice in a row, I wounder what everyone is doing? I have to poop"


Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Philadelphia is for lovers

Life is good on the East coast. I am loving my job at my new firm Kling, & Michael (Wages) just put in his notice to his boring firm and will be starting at a really cool small firm in two weeks. For my birthday this year we bought a house, above. The outside looks great, but we since have lost steam ( & money) to do the work it needs on the inside. It's right in the city and we walk to work everyday. I love hearing from all of you even if I don't respond, I am laughing. Plenty of room if your ever in the area.

Friday, April 20, 2007

hittin' it chicago style

hey kittens,

so, after moving to chicago a few months ago and working as a host/bartender/barista/tobaccanist and sales associate at a boutique and virgin megastore on the magnificent mile, i'm getting slightly frustrated at the speed of replies i'm getting from firms ... which is ... slow. so, i come to you, my pretties. anyone have any leads in chi-town?!

ps - everyone meet Joe (if you hadn't already seen him dj in cinci lol)

Monday, March 12, 2007

Still Kicking

Hey kids! I haven't checked in with everyone in awhile... all is well... the new job is, well, new. I'm of course busy as a bee, i still haven't unpacked completely yet, living in KY with my friend Lindsey until we find digs back on the normal side of the river. I do have to say, it is a very short commute.

Anyone going to ICFF? I'll be there over the weekend... Matt may join me but nothing on his end has been finalized yet.

Friday, February 23, 2007

keep on chompin...

i think we're all a bit intimidated. it's hard to top the posting of belt clips, old laptops, and so know what i mean?

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

new chomps

so now everyone can switch their old blogger info to the new blogger info/login. i think you'll have to do it eventually... shorry.

weird how there are only about 5 people who post.

Friday, February 02, 2007

first off - how amazing would it be to have a phone clip to attach to your laptop - second how cool would it be to have this little piece of cutting edge laptop technology

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

oh, debbie

yeah, well, the laptop clip i have on my belt is starting to bust... that's a lot of weight for one little clip!

christy? christy! is that you??

Wednesday, January 10, 2007


have you all heard / seen the new iphone?
i seriously wet myself. i will become a professional in a second to justify having a mini-puter in my hand everywhere i go.
i'll be emailing you guys from the toilet. it's going to be sweet.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

did someone say ccchhhOOOOMpers!!??

Monday, January 08, 2007

you would, lara.

Friday, January 05, 2007



Wednesday, January 03, 2007

you know it

anytime, rebeccatilly, anytime.
as long as i can call you at your work desk and interrupt your productive day.

and lara, i'll hide the trashcans.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

LA or bust

ha, if only it was forever ... BUT I am going to be in LA for a few days for the office, and I was hoping we could maybe arrange a get-together.

we will be staying at the Marriot Century City in fancy Beverly Hills 90064 (alas, not 90210) I have no idea if that is near any of you guys, but I hear LA has a great bus system

but we get in tuesday 1.16 in the mid afternoon, and we will probably be free that night (the next night may be for clients) then we travel back on 1.18 in the am. - set my email on fire if any of this sounds like a possibility

have a wonderful new year, lots of love and peace!

Friday, December 22, 2006

Spoons of MEAT!!!

My dear sweet lord! You're right Dome... those were freaking tasty!
And Greg... it's ok, I'm sure Hank was just trying to cover for a deep seeded realization that he blows monkey-ass as a design professor.
I haven't looked at this blog in months, but I see it's alive and well.
Congrats Cassie on tying the knot. The pictures are great. And congrats Lara on a year of married life. Good times.
As for me... I'm just doing the same as I was six months ago. Working, partying, eating and trying to get to the beach as often as possible. I'll be in the Nasty 'Nati for Christmas and on to NYC for the ball drop. If anybody's going to be in the Nasty let me know, we should meet up.
BTW, Greg and Dome...I have an interview at Imagineering in a couple weeks so this could mean a job change soon. I may be a closer neighbor in the very near future if I switch jobs up there and move to Glendale.

Oh, and for the drink list below I'd like to add:
Mojito (best made by a large gruff Mexican woman in Newport Beach. come visit and I'll treat),
James Bond (Champagne, vodka, bitters and a sugar cube. That'll put you on your ass for a while)
Flaming lemon drop... I think Beth will remember these from our after crit party... good times!

Oh, and for quotes, who can forget the great Patrick's: reminds me of two elephants mating...
... Oh my gosh, here comes the Nile!
... I must have taken that shot after a two martini lunch...
... Skip to my loo! [followed by Patrick slamming himself against a wall in our wonderful interiors history lecture room]

Peace y'all and Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006


greg, i don't remember any of that nonsense at the alumni party... maybe it was while parker and i were talking to the drees guy and devouring spoons of meat?
oh my god those things were delicious... well worth it.

btw, i'm sure hank didn't even remember me. don't know which is better...

Monday, December 18, 2006


that's insane, greg. for what it's worth....i think it was a great project!

Thursday, December 14, 2006


How did, "Be my Hankenstein" win anything at all? I know that the students didn't have anything to do with it. This is the same ass-wagon (who I actually grew to like during thesis!) that said to me and to anyone around when he was here in LA for the AIA convention, how dissappointed he was in my senior project. He said this at an Alumni gathering, where presumably he was supposed to drum up financial support. Well, Hanky-Panky, fuck all that noise.

But enjoy your Dundee award. I am sure you deserve it!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


A couple links to Hank's A+ teaching award !!!

annnnnd a shot of the gingerbread house we made at FITCH for a Childrens Hospital fundraiser

Thursday, November 02, 2006




Any of you biddies know about some cheap (but cool) contract furniture companies...

Monday, September 25, 2006

dum dum da dum

o-kee-doe-kee ... here are some super-secret spy-shots from cassies wedding ... she might kill for the last ones, but they were too good to not post :D
I hope all of you are doing fabulously!

at the bachelorette party, thats a martini glass with a
penis-stem that lights up, its off her registry

cass and her dad at the rehearsal dinner

"girl did you try this?! mmm this is good eats"

this picture is fabulous! poor cass didn't get to eat all

night long, so the caterer packed her a 'little snack'

but be sure to check out some of the pro-photographers photos ... they're hot

Monday, September 18, 2006

Old Married Ladies

Ok, i can't believe Lara has not added a mile-long post as yet, but we had 2 of our favorite ladies hit major milestones.

Lara and Mike celebrated their 1 year wedding anniversary, and on september 16th, Cassie and Michael were married!

It was a beautiful wedding, beginning with a thousand personal touches from everyone involved that made it that much more special, and ended, once again, with security at the door of the hotel room.

Cassie looked amazing, a little vintage model, complete with marilyn monroe poses in the pictures, I can't wait to see them all!

It was great seeing everyone who could make it.

So, who's getting married next?

Monday, August 21, 2006

did anyone else see how amazingly drunk Paula Abdul was last night on the Teen Choice Awards? it was hillllaaarious.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

something cool for this sizzling heat...

So, get this... i was watching the news this morning and they had "refreshing summer (alcoholic) drinks" Not drinks for alcoholics... you bunch of lushes... drinks with alcohol. They're for everyday people too... so here are two that struck my fancy.

Cucumber Martini and Ginger margarita. I didn't catch the whole martini recipe but cucuber water is an ingredient, not sure how you make that one. The ginger margarita, you just add ginger to the recipe. Can't wait to try them out.


Wednesday, July 26, 2006

since we're on the subject...

i'm rediscovering my love for a drink I had once forgotten about. brace yourselves for the classic.....a gimlet. 3 parts gin or vodka (i prefer vodka) and 1 part rose's lime. squeeze a real lime wedge into the martini glass, pour in your mix and shazam! tasty deliciousness.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

drink, drink, and be merry

hows about a "musollini" Yes, like benito musollini. A Dictator's "spritzer" Coke (or diet!) and whatever cheap red boxed wine is available. Quite tasty!

two words (for anyone still reading this)

wine. spritzer.

1/2 white or red white + 1/2 flavored sparkling water = summertime fun!!

ce si bon!

I hope all of you are doing fabulously!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

section II

man, i feel like we missed out on a lot by being in the opposite section. [or is it that you guys missed out??] i don't even remember if i was in section II or not... i always just left it blank.

matt wright kitty kat and his mullet: "see? i'm just a normal guy."

jessica, the formZ TA who stole the love of my life away [what was his name?], to mikey: "you get F! you little bastard..."

jim postell flipping through my sketchbook to a sketch HE had done just the day before: "oh, yes... you really have something here!"

Friday, July 07, 2006

The Way we Were

Patrick's reaction to Matt's Phallic Jewelry Store floorplan "I LOVE the PLAN!"

and Ray's constant "It's Comin'" I still say it in his voice...

as well as his reaction to Cassie being in the southwest (or that she was going, i don't remember) "Damn Indians"

I have a million, but i'll let other people contribute too.

Heeeeeelllllloooooo... is this thing ooon?